geometric silver ear cuffs set » FOREVER 21
rhinestone golden ear cuff » FOREVER 21

This little girl right here doesn't have any piercings, not even the standard ear ones. It has something to do with my mom being against them and myself begging to get them until I was finally over 18 and I didn't want them anymore as I didn't want to let go of this little weird thing about myself.

I do like earrings, though. I often find myself staring at them, especially the tiny cute studs, and pondering for a second if they're worth two little holes in my lobes. Truth is that I don't really look good in them, though: I tried a few clip on sets and they make my ear look pointy and elf-like, which, let's put it that way, it's not really my aestethic.

Ear cuffs are big now but it is something I've always lusted after, so for my piercing-less self they are just a little easier to find right now. Those three pictured above are from Forever 21 and were super cheap, but if I have to spill the truth tea on you they are not my favorite. I do like the golden one, but I was lying if I was saying I didn't have at least a 100 ones saved on Asos that I dig a lot more but that also requires a bit more cash.

Oh the struggle of a poor-almost-20 student.


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