Let's play a game called 'Describe your dream snack'. I would go for tasty, low in calories, filling, healthy, 100% natural, cheap, easy and that doesn't make you look like a freak when you take it out your bag. Well, you know what? This snack does not only exist in dreams, but even in your local supermarket: I'm talking about pop corn.

Obviously there are some rules: no butter, no caramel, no weird microwavable stuff, just pure beautiful kernels whose a 500g bag is around 2€ and that I promise you taste just as amazing. I've been loving having a cup of white fluffly goodness as a snack lately and the fact that this way I get to use my air popping machine which looks just like a fair popcorn machine makes me even happier than following a diet that includes eating pop corn everyday (if that's even possible). I usually pop around 20g kernels which give me 15g pop corn that's around 40 cal, so half the calories of a common granola bar. I know that those 15 grams look as bad as two lonely almonds on a white plate for breakfast, but they fill my big Ikea cup and are the perfect amount to nibble at while checking my bloglovin' or YouTube feed.

If you don't have an air popping machine, which will allow you to pop kernels without using any added fat, you can simply pour a teaspoon of coconut oil (it's a healthy post - you knew it had to make an appearance) on your pan and let the kernels pop away. The calories will surely go up a bit but that's nothing if compared to that big ol' bag of chips I know you were eyeing.

Now as I'm typing this away I've spilled a couple of pop corn on my laptop and my mum have given me a dirty look: she doesn't understand why I eat it everyday... Why is it so hard to get that I'm on a diet?!



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