Duh. I know, but so many times buying a book just goes in the 'to-do list' you'll never tick off. If you really want to start reading more, turn off you computer NOW -ahem, if you want to finish reading this post before is completely fine- and get your butt to the bookshop / library. Choose a book, bring it home and start reading it, RIGHT NOW. I mean, if you have time to spend in front of a computer screen, you definitely have time for a bunch of paper pages.
TLDR » Buy a book right now and stop procrastinating.
I am a committer. If I buy a book, or if I start reading it, I tell myself I have to finish it before starting anything else. But sometimes said book is very boring, or I just don't feel like it, or I really want to read something else everyone's talking about, and since I can't, because I committed to that first book, I find I give up reading as a whole. So I have learned that, especially if your main goal is to read more, you should just go with your guts, because sometimes it is not that you don't want to read, but you don't want to read that. So, yeah, maybe you really need to finish that massive historic fiction that has been sitting on your bedside table for the last two months, but if you're dying for a chick lit piece right now, just go for it. Maybe next month you'll be hitching to know how Jane dealt with Napoleon attacking England.
TLDR » Read what you want to read, whatever it is.
Something that helped me reading more has definitely been eBooks, because when you have a book on your phone you really have no excuses. Whether you are waiting at the bus stop, finding yourself stuck in the traffic or queuing to see the dentist, you can always sneak in a couple pages. Just think if all the time you spent on Candy Crush you were reading, bet you would have finished all the Lord Of The Rings books by now, wouldn't you! Also, eBooks are so much cheaper and lighter than paper books, so they're also great if you're going on a trip and don't want to take some room away from your shoes in your suitcase. I usually have lighter reads on my phone, so books that even if you haven't opened them in a while, you can still remember the plot and everything, and I make sure I always have one downloaded on my iPhone. It just makes everything easier!
TLDR » eBooks are lighter, cheaper and easier to take with you everywhere you go.
Just like with eBooks, having something on hand will make you reach for it more. Keep your book somewhere you'll often lay your eyes on. Having a book on your bedside table, for example, is way better than having it in the bookshelf, because if you are one who likes to read in bed, you don't even have to remember taking your book with you or, even worse, to get up once you're all snuggled up in your duvet. The bathroom is another great place to keep your book. A bit gross, I know, but let's face it: everybody poops and it's just up to you to use that time for the better.
Just think somewhere you usually find yourself having a spare couple minutes and make sure your book is always on hand.
TLDR » Put your book somewhere it is easy to reach and you won't forget about it.
If you are one who just never finishes anything, then maybe a book club can be a good idea. I myself am not one for book clubs, as I don't like that I have to read a book in a certain time, but if you find it motivational, just go for it. Nowadays you can find so many different book clubs online, so chances are you can find your perfect one, reading the books you like and in a time you feel comfortable with. These usually offer book chats and live stream, which will help you making new friends as well as keeping up with your book. Lauren Conrad hosts one every once in a while and this time they are reading To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Janny Han, and at the end of the month there is gonna be a chat with the author herself! Click here if you want to know more about deadlines etc.
If instead you are more of a YouTube gal, check out EssieButton 's book club. One book a month for twelve months, and a video dedicated to the book each time. Their first book was Amy Poehler's Say Yes - which I started reading myself after Estée's video - and now I think they're reading Wild by Cheryl Strayed. But if those don't tickle your fancy just go online and I'm sure you are going to find something that will!
TLDR » Book clubs can keep you motivated and help make new friends.
Finally, remember that reading a book is not a race. Take your time, even a couple pages a day can make a difference. Start little and commit to, I don't know, three pages everyday before going to bed. If you keep it up you'll find you'll finish your book before you even realize that! Also, remember that it only takes three weeks to create a new habit, and once it is a habit, you're not gonna think about it anymore, it will just come natural to you. Also, when and if you'll eventually find a book you really like -which I hope-, you'll see you will not be able to put it down and become addicted to it just like to your favorite tv show!
TLDR » Do not race and take your time.
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