In her book, Lena Dunham says that 'bad eyebrows are like a bad handshake, but worse because it's right on your face'. I agree. Eyebrows are like a man's beard, but without the option to shave everything off when bored.
Not everyone has the money or the time to go to a salon every month, I don't. I've been searching for a genius threader that would give me Suzie's brows for a 3, like Lily's one, but it seems like those kinda things only exist in London. To be honest, I'm quite blessed with my natural eyebrows: their thick but not mono-brow thick and, though I still need to fill them in, at least I have something to work with. My biggest concerne was the shape: quite round, unflattering, nothing to do with Kylie's perfect arch.
I wanted to change the shape of my eyebrows for so long, but I was always too scared of getting it wrong. Finally, on a Sunday, I found this tutorial and followed each step, ending up with slightly more shaped and precise brows, that lifted my face up and were way easier to fill in. To bring out my mild arch I just had to pluck a couple hairs more, nothing as drastic as I thought it would have been.
I still try and do this whole routine at least once a month, with occasional adjustments on Sundays. I basically follow the whole tutorial (minus the wax stripes) but if you want to see it black on white here we go:
- First, I mark using a light colored pencil where my eyebrows should start, which is right were my nostrils start, now when they end as they tell you in many tutorials.
- Then, I mark where they should end, following the line that connects the outer corner of my eyes to the outer of my nostrils.
- Now, the arch: again starting from the outer of my nostrils, I follow the line that joins with the center of my pupil as I'm looking straight in the mirror. Chances are, though, that you can already see a bit of arch in your brows so you already know where it should go.
- Using a card as a ruler, join the marks together and create the shape of your brows.
- Remove every hair that is out or in the white line.
- Now brush your hairs upwards and trim them. You're done.
I quite like my eyebrows like that, though I know I should invest in a good pair of tweezers. I have my eyes on the Tweezerman ones (maybe the travel version, as people say they're just as amazing but a lot cheaper) but until I get a spare 30, I guess my leopard Primark ones will do.
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