If you remember this post, you'll know I wanted to try the pumpkin cookies recipe Taylor Swift herself shared on her Tumblr. So last Sunday I gathered my best friends and we went on a baking mission.
The recipe we used is this one by FoodNetwork but with dark chocolate chips instead. We also used freshly made pumpkin puree which by the way smells awful. To be honest, the cookies didn't turned out as good as I wished they would: they're very spongy and soft, but not in a yummy, chew way.
To try to avoid this we baked the cookies for longer, but nothing changed: the consistency wasn't quite right. I think maybe is because we used fresh pumpkin puree instead of canned? Maybe there was too much water in it...
Anyway, the taste is good but nothing special: it's very spicy and you can't recognize the pumpkin at all. I'd say they taste exactly as ginger cookies, that I've discovered I don't like so much. Don't get me wrong: I'm crazy for spices, especially the Autumny ones, but I've noticed I'm not the biggest fan of ginger.
Anyway this was jus a quick post to say hello on a Tuesday and try and make up for last week. If you've tried this recipe before, let me know how it turned out (and where I was wrong), and if you know how to make another pumpkin based treat, please tell me!
See you tomorrow! xx
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