001. This week has been oh-so-busy for me but I'm not complaining: it got me the motivation to get back on track and do something else than watch Parks & Rec all day (Oh how I fancy you, mr Pratt).
002. On Sunday I went to one of my oldest friend's birthday party and I slept over at her place. Not gonna lie, I was very worried. I haven't seen her in a while, not to mention my ex best friend who was gonna be there as well. In hindsight it wasn't that bad, but it was weird, especially because me and my ex best friend had to share a room. We talked all night but it was really really awkward... I didn't die though, which is, you know, positive.
003. On Monday I had to stay up because of Taylor Swift's livestream. I've always been a Swiftie and I'm very happy with the new single and everything about the album. I know there's gonna be a lot of people disliking the song or criticizing her change from country to pop, but I think that was the best move for her career and in the end, haters gonna hate hate hate.
004. On the 21st one of my best friend turned 18 and we had this very cute party on the beach and then slept there. Actually, we didn't sleep at all. I love that guy and so I had no problem to spend a sleepless night on the beach with him and my best buddies, but honestly I hate that. I came home incredibly tired and nervous, cold and smelling like smoke because of the bonfire. I really don't know what's wrong with those teenagers and why they hate sleeping in the actual night so much.
005. Another day, another party. On the 22nd I had this birthday party which I attended very sleepy and hungry. I didn't have a blast but the food was good and we know that's all that matters.
006. I'd really like to sleep 11 to 8 tonight but the VMAs are on and I'm very tempted to stay up till 5 am. It's just that Taylor Swift is gonna perform, just like 5 Seconds of Summer, and they said their wardrobe was going to be very limited for that night...
007. I've started running again and I'm so happy. I've also tried eating healthier and even cooked a beautiful tomato and carrot soup by myself, yum! I'm thinking about doing a post about my favorite apps and blogs on healthy living, so let me know if you fancy that.
008. My love affair with lipsticks is back and I'm feeling da A subtle cat eye, a bit of mascara and a bold lip... Oh yeah baby, that's how I like it.
009. There's two people out there who's style I've been majorly crushing on this week: Lydia Martin (aka Holland Roden in Teen Wolf) and Suzie B. from HelloOctober. Can I have their wardrobe, already?
010. I'm so struggling with my bedroom lately. I want to jazz it up a bit, add a couple shelves and boxes and make it a lot more pinterastable. Though luck finding those rose metal buckets IRL is way more difficult than I thought and well, I basically don't have any money. I need a trip to Ikea.
011. I've started watching American Horror Story with two friends of mine this week and this means
a) I've eaten gelato for dinner for seven days in a row
b) I think a lot about Evan Peters.
012. I've just got back from the cinema as I've seen Neighbors, that movie with Zac Efron and Seth Rogen. TBH I'm not the biggest fan of Rogen's sense of humor, but I do am a big fan of Zac Efron & Dave Franco in the same film.
013. My wish list is definitely out of control. Besides some room bits, I'm currently lusting over a pair of leopard Vans, a pair of the perfect black boots, a few perfectly slouchy and soft t-shirts (I'm looking at you BrandyMelville), a new pair of trainers, a Kylie Jenner lipstick, a new bag, a new purse, a new high heeled something, a whole new wardrobe for my hair and another pair of ripped jeans. Does someone have a spare hundred bill floating through their bag?
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