Nope, there's not a list for you this time which I don't know whether it's a good or a bad thing. I just don't have any new tv show to recommend you (unless Teen Wolf is new to you, then I'd recommend Teen Wolf).
July has really flow by. I went to Turin and then to New York and, look at that, now it's August. It doesn't make me feel good. To me August is a ginormous deadline and I'm late for everything: my homework, my training, my driving license. I don't even like my room anymore (hence why I'm constantly searching for cool gold and white room photos on Pinterest) and I feel like everything is slipping away from my hands. I'm not gonna lie to you then: I'm not in a very good place right now. I'm totally terrified by what this month and my future has in hold for me.
I definitely hope your mood and you August will be better than mine.
hope you'll have a wonderful August!
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