001. Your hair is death, like completely. It's made of death cells and the only living part are the follicles, which are inside our head.

002. Your hair is mostly made out of keratin, that is the same substance which nails are made of. This is really important to remember because every time you hear something about your hair, you can just think if it would work on your nails as well, and you will probably realize it is bulls***t.

003. If you cut your hair, it won't grow faster. As I said, the only living part of the hair are follicles, that are also in charge for growth. If you cut your hair, follicles won't have any idea and so definitely won't make your hair grow faster. The reason why trimming your hair often makes it look like it is growing faster is because if you don't trim it, it will break, and if your hair breaks, then it'll look shorter and will take more time to reach the desired length. So if your hair is in pretty good condition and far away from breaking and you want to grow it, I would recommend to not cut it, as it would only make it shorter.

004. Everything that should work from the inside (aka pills and vitamins) can only work - again - on follicles. So if it claims to accelerate your hair growth or to make it shiner (follicles adjust the production of grease), it could work, but it you're taking it to, for example, reduce spit ends, then you're wasting your time.

005. There are only two types of products out there: ones to prevent and ones to disguise. Just think about your nails, if you don't want 'em to break you can use strengthening products etc, but once one is broken, it is broken, and all you can do is cut it or try to disguise it with a reconstruction. It's the exact same thing with hair: once it is damaged, there is no product out there to reverse the situation.

006. Products which contain silicone have a bad reputation in the beauty world as they would make it look better but without doing anything for it. I think they are like a push up bra: you wear it, your boobs look amazing, but, if you want 'em not to look bigger, but to be bigger, you need to get surgery. The same thing with hair: you can decide to use silicone products and make it look pretty, or chop all of your hair off, start caring a lot about it and have very healthy hair. If you want a drastic solution then go, but I prefer my push up bra.

007. Dyeing your hair is bad, always bad. In fact, any kind of dye contains bleach, which will dry out your hair and make it look brassy. Even dark colors have bleach in them because it is what makes the color stay for so long. If you want a dye which doesn't ruin your hair at all then you should go for water dyes: they don't contain any bleach or peroxide and therefore will show off only on very fair hair and last just a couple of washes.

008. If you want to make your hair look prettier, dye it darker. Darker colors, in fact, are more solid and make split ends less noticeable: think about a blonde braid and a dark braid, the reason why in the blonde braid you can see all the different strands and you can't in the dark one, is because blonde has usually more tones and colors in it - solid blondes are very unnatural - and just like you can see all the strands in a blonde braid, you can also see all the split ends in a blonde hair.

009. Heat is bad for your hair, even if you use it just once. Heat breaks molecular bonds and this is why you can style your hair as you want using it. Applying a heat protector before using heat on your hair will help, but if you can avoid it, that's 100 % better.

010. You can train your hair in terms of how often you have to wash it. The more you wash it, the greasier it gets in no time and vice versa. I do wash my hair three times a week but if I don't have to leave my home, then I'll let it dirty. This will give more moisture to my hair, train it to get greasy in more time and will help not damaging it as I won't even use any heat on it.


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