I know it's a bit late for reviewing Christmas ballistics, but in my opinion you can never have enough of Lush reviews, or Christmas.
This ballistic is probably the most impressive I've tried so far. I wouldn't say it's the best speaking of what it does to your skin (Butterball holds the record) but it defintely is in terms of special effects.
Luxury Lush Pud looks very pretty and colorful, with round parts of different colour (that keep falling off) on a lilac and white base and a little holly as a decoration. It has a super duper strong smell: I kept it in my wardrobe for a while and now all my clothes smells like it! It's not a problem, though, considering that I lurve that scent. I don't really know how to describe it, it's kind of sour, but sweet... like those sour sweets, exactly. But the coolest part comes when you pop it into your bath and the water turns into this crazy burgundy liquid. To me, it was like bathing in blood which I know may sound disgusting but I kinda liked it because it made me feel like one of those powerful evil queens that you can find in Game-Of-Thrones kind of films? Weird. Anyway, let's say it was like diving in a bath tub filled with raspberry tea, because it sounds much more girly and less serial killer.
Lush's Luxury Pud has quickly made it to the top three of my favourite ballistics, along with Butterball and Snowman and now I'm sad because it was a limited edition!
Just another reason to covet next Christmas.
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