Featuring #GirlBoss, a couple books turned movies and a hipster Murakami number.
Here we are with the second issue of 5 Books I've Read! Click here if you missed the first one and get ready for some Spring books reviews coming at ya at 3, 2, 1!
001. #GIRLBOSS // Sophia Amoruso » I've heard basically everyone raving about this so I was super excited to read it myself. It's a very interesting book, talking about how ex hitch-hiker Sophia Amoruso founded her million-worth company Nasty Gal. I was expecting something different, though: from what I've heard I thought it was going to be empowering and motivational, whereas it was very technical with chapters like 'How to get hired' or 'How to start a business'. Very useful I bet, but not for someone who is just about to head to Uni like me. The graphic was on point, though, and it was very interesting to learn about vintage clothes hunting and selling, which I knew so little about.
Worth A Read? » Yes, if you're looking for a job / want to start your own company.
002. Hard-Boiled Wonderland And The End Of The World // Haruki Murakami » Murakami is up there with the most hipster writers in the market. Not that he himself is a hipster (he was born in 1949) but he is definitely well loved by them due to his weird stories and dreamlike scenarios, and this book was no exception. There were parallel words, unicorns, some beautiful images and all the characters were nameless. I did enjoyed it at first, but then... it just got a little boring. The story was going nowhere and I found the ending slightly disappointing, whereas in the middle it got very complicated and hard to follow. Thought I want to try and read some other books by him, this one hasn't really blown me away.
Worth A Read? » Not really...
003. The Skinny Confidential // Lauryn Evarts » Found Lauryn's blog and 5 seconds after I had bought her book. I like the way she talks about health and stuff, swearing and being a bit all over the place, plus she's a beautiful boho babe to look at. The book was filled with useful tips, from workouts, to recipes, to beauty tricks, to how to get over cravings. I read it in a couple days, but I always have it handy in case I need the portion control cheat sheet or a workout for perkier boobies!
Worth A Read? » Yas.
004. Pretty Little Liars - Wicked // Sara Shepard » Ok, so I know everyone's obsessed with Pretty Little Liars on tv. I am, too (I mean, have you seen the cast?!) but I actually like the books better. They are not beautifully written, but they're rather addicting and this one was no exception. I got it for Christmas as by now it's a little tradition and it was the perfect holiday light thriller / teen dram read. Also, the books and the tv show follow two different storylines, so I promise it still remains a page turner, even if you already know everything about A.
Worth A Read? » Yes, whether you love the tv show or not.
005. Love, Rosie // Cecilia Ahern » This book is everything. I bet you watched the movie by now (If you haven't, what are you doing with your life) starring the beautiful Sam Claflin and Lily Collins, but I read it before it was even out and let me tell you it is 100% more painful than the film. It is written in epistolary form, which is quite cool and I can assure you you are going to fall in love with Alex even more once you know his literary counterpart. And yes, it is possible.
Worth A Read? » YES. Please. Read it.
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