I really hope this year you will dance more; eat well; travel often; wear flower crowns and anklets; pet very single cat you meet; create stories with words and memories with actions; drink champagne; wear ripped jeans; sing at the top of your lungs; laugh in the rain; kiss more, find some mistletoe and kiss, see a shooting star and kiss; eat chocolate, hit the pavement; swim in the sea, run in the woods, walk in the city; wear scarfs as big as blankets; create with your hands and your mind; drink tea, a lot of tea; turn countless pages, wether they're paper, digital or life pages; go to concerts; be alone, be together; light candles and fairy lights; smell good, every day; have a bath; give a hand; twirl; tiptoe barefoot; step on crunchy leaves, play in the snow, lay in the sun; wear make up, wear nothing; find who you really are and become obsessed with it; laugh, until your abs hurt; smile, until your cheeks hurt; meet people you admire; find inspiration in everything; appreciate your life; create and feed your brand; be lucky, work hard; wear leopard shoes and hats and black and white; buy yourself flowers; go to Ikea; feel pretty, feel cute, feel beautiful; take pictures, take polaroids; pack a suitcase, read a map; shape yourself into what you want to be; make lists and tick them off; treat yourself
right; enjoy.
H A P P Y 2 0 1 5.
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