1 year of...

Throwback to that 1st December 2013, me sitting in the kitchen in front of the family computer, sending snaps of my first ever OOTD from my iPhone via e-mail, preparing my very first post.

Now one year later a few things have changed: I have my own pc, a real camera (not a DSLR, though, calm yo tits) and I'm writing my 186th post.
Crazy especially because I didn't think I could have kept going for so long, but I'm still here, not bored yet, and I hope I'll be writing another one of this next year, and the next and the next again.

Also, I want to thank you, you reading this. I know you're not a massive number, but honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I don't care. It's enough for me. I still get shivers and all excited when I see someone has left a comment on my post, and blown away every time I realize there is actually someone reading what I write here on this little space on the internet. So thank you, big sloppy kiss to each one of you, my loves.

Alright, enough with the cheesy stuff, now let's get down to business:

Props To Me Because This Year I:

  • kept a semi-regular schedule, and posted at least once a week for a whole year;
  • managed to publish some decent pics, very bright, much white;
  • learned that you can talk about an eye cream in less than 1897386920482104791782428 words;
  • shameless self promoted myself;
  • dipped my feet into skincare for the very first time;
  • wrote a poem about a Lush ballistic.
Next Year I Better:
  • write some more outfit posts;
  • write some more series post (to satisfy my inner OCD);
  • discover the secret to a healthy and happy lifestyle and share it with you;
  • write more traveling posts (and travel more please);
  • become Suzie B from HelloOctober (jk*);
  • improve my photographer skills.
Hope you'll stay with me to see if I keep my word!
(Spoiler Alert: I won't)

Anyway, one more little thing and then I'll let you go: it's Christmas! Ok, it's not actually Christmas but it's finally December, so I'm super excited and smiley and oh-so-ready for marathons of Elf and Michael Bublé every. damn. day. To celebrate my first blogiversary and the fact that it's finally Christmas time and that I had the brilliant idea - not even being sarcastic here - to start this blog during the most magical time of the year, I have a new Christmas themed header for you! Hope you like it as much as I do and that it puts you in the mood! And if it doesn't, don't worry, my future million holiday themed posts will. I am so excited!

*Not really.

PS: Maybe I could have overestimated myself when I said I learned to write shorter posts...


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