This hack is so easy I've almost thought it wasn't worth a blogpost on its own, but then I reflected on how I wish I knew it before and decided to share it to avoid you a couple smudged lips and hours spent in front of the mirror adjusting those naughty bright colors that just like to float around your face (Yeah, it happens to all of us...).

Obviously the easiest solution would be lip pencils, which are finally back thanks also to a certain miss Jenner, but if you're anything like me and own more than the average number of lipsticks (maybe two or three times that number, ahem) it means you can't have a pencil for every color, and we all know how bad it is when they're not matching.

What I know you have, though, is a winged brush, and that, my friend, is all you need. Simply load a bit of lipstick on the brush and line your lips like you would've with a pencil and voilĂ , perfect defined pout in seconds.

See, I told you this trick was so very simple, but you know you'd be lying if you said it wasn't useful! Now you have no excuse for that smudged lip...


2 peeps shared their opinion

  1. i always forget to use lip pencil! need to remember as it always makes red lipstick look better

    from helen at

    1. Definitely! I found even with nude lips they make a great difference: they just give that little more definition
