001. Let's start with a good news: on the 19th of September I finally got my driving license. I think you should be the first(ish) ones to know considering the scene I made when I failed my test the first time, but you see, now everything's alright and I even drove by myself for the first time yesterday evening. I felt really nervous and shaky, but though I'm still far away from being a pro, I went well. Freedom here I come!

002. School's started again, hence why I've been quite MIA this week. I do have a few new teachers but what really worries me is that this is my last year of high school and so I quickly have to decide what to do with my life. Thanks to our 5 years long High School, I know us Italian kids should be slightly more confident about our future, since we had one more year to think about it, but truth is, I still have no freaking idea.

003. Actually, I kinda know what I'd like to do after graduation. Enter Business & Economics. It sounds boring, I know, but I love the idea of being a super cool CEO and things like Management and Marketing really intrigue me. The only problem is that a) I don't know if I'll be accepted, b) it costs so much, c) I don't know: it's such a big decision that is going to influence my whole life and I don't want to make it too lighthearted.

004. I'd actually love the idea of taking a gap year to travel the world and clear my mind, but if I start University now, I'll get my degree at 25 years old which is 3 to 4 years later every one else in Europe. I know I shouldn't worry about that and follow my heart and blah blah blah but I also know me and that I would hate running late compared to all my friends. Hello, competition freak.

005. My wardrobe is useless right now. I don't know if it was New York or the fact that I'm shockingly almost done being a teenager, but I can't stand polka dots and collars a minute more (ok, maybe not so drastic). I remember last year I thought I wanted to be the 'fairy tail girl' with an Ariel fringe and Peter Pan collars, now all I can think about is grey + white + black and simple structured lines, as you can see on my Pinterest board.

006. As I said, I'd like to be a little more Zara in my style, but unluckily, every time I picture myself as a chic woman that effortlessly pulls out a perfect mixture of British preppiness and French savoir faire I see a lob in the game. But before I go cray cray and chop off three years of patiently growed tresses to follow the above mentioned vision and find myself with massive hair regrets, I want to try and jazz it up a bit. Maybe I'll trim it a bit, definitely gotta go back to brunette and I can see myself trying to channel a Cara undone straight hair look. I'm gonna make you regret you went for the chop, I tell you (not really).

007. Let's talk about my fashion future self a bit more, shall we? I need to lose weight, there I said it. I'm not fat, but I'm definitely chubbier than I and my skinny jeans like. I need to eat better and find passion in it as well: I want to bake more, so I'll know what goes into my body, and try and be a little more conscious about my snack picks as well. I also want to start running again and finally reach my goal of a continue 30 minute race. Which reminds me... I need a new pair of running shoes and Nike, I'm looking at you.

008. I want to be a little bit more organized with the blog and write something like 3 posts a week minimum. I'm having some house renewal works done at the moment that make taking picture quite hard, but it should all be over next week so I hope it'll be ok. Also my camere has been acting a bit funny lately, having difficulties to focus. Let's hope it's not broken!

009. I remember saying in a previous Sunday Stories that I didn't like my room. Now I've changed up a few things in my desk area (post coming soon) and I feel way happier with it. I still need to do something for my overflowing make up collection and I was thinking about the infamous Muji acrylic storage, but ATM I'm broke as hell so I don't see it in a upcoming future. The other area I was working on is my bed which reminds me I still have to hang the shelf I bought from Ikea almost a month ago. Sh*t...


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